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Polandball Wiki

From Global Countryball Organization

For the Polandball-icon.png r/Polandball page, see Polandball-icon.png Polandball Subreddit

The Polandball Wiki, also referred to simply as Polandball, is a fundamental Countryball community. It focuses on the Polandball meme, as well on countries, planets (see Planetball-icon.png Planetball) and other related subjects. It is the oldest, as well as the most popular community.

History[edit source]

See also: Polandball Wiki:Timeline

Beginnings[edit source]

The Polandball was born on a German imageboard, named Krautchan. From there, many users of the board decided to export the meme to other sites. One of them, Siberiaball, decided to create a wiki for it on January 10th, 2010. However, the Wikia remained pretty inactive and had few users.

After making a couple of pages and getting bored, Siberiaball became inactive. After that, a new user SexyMordecai5 adopted the wiki in late 2012. Beside this ownership change, the wiki remained pretty much idle. One of the users that joined in this period was IDrowzee.

Other websites, instead, had more traffic. Beside Krautchan slowly losing all interest, other communities flourished. One of them was r/polandball, a subreddit, founded by the Serbian user /u/767.

Early Reagan Era[edit source]

With the inactivity of SexyMordecai5, IDrowzee seized the opportunity and became the owner of the wiki in September 2014. This user, known in the Facebook Polandball community as Reagan, decided to make this wikia more professional, by testing his own ideas on his test wiki.

Under him, the wikia got navboxes, the infoboxes, full pages, real images and finally got tons of new rules that, before, were not existent.

Under this revolutionary administration, many users joined the wiki. The most notable ones are the following:

  • Privatejfx141, a Canadian user who fixed most of the templates
  • Antonio12ITA, an Italian user who was promoted admin and helped created missing pages
  • the Mysterious Contributor, an anonymous user (at the time) who created most of the pages in the wiki. He was proposed by IDrowzee to make an account and become an admin, but he refused. He is now known as "IohannesIohannium".
  • Grooox, (also known as Smyterat or Syttu) a Portuguese user that created many pages
  • Melfenbein, a Romanian user that made many pages
  • BainTheCool, another Romanian user, that led to the current friendships on the wiki
  • Blocked IP, an image uploader that made most of the images on this wiki of that time. It has been speculated a lot that this user is in fact IohannesIohannium

Because of IDrowzee's arrogant personality, the relation between the wiki and the subreddit became bad, since IDrowzee saw his wikia mocked and rejected by the mods of /r/polandball.

IDrowzee was banned on /r/polandball because after having seen his hard work rejected he started insulting the moderators.

In mid-November 2013, a Floridan user, Vercetti Tommy, started a Spanish version of this wiki. Since he made few contributions, a Chilean user, Voztok, adopted the Spanish wikia in late 2014 and helped it grow, with new admins, navboxes and pages. The two wikis currently have different versions of drawing rules.

Meanwhile, in November 2014, Kirgzik ili SuperUitli made a Russian version of this wiki. This wiki used to be somewhat active for a while.

"The Golden Age"[edit source]

In the first half of the 2015, many other users started to join the English version of the wiki, which grew exponentially. The new pages and images created made it able to compete with /r/polandball. Some of the comics there have been inspired by pages here.

On the other hand, this wikia saw the import of a unique reddit mechanic, flair icons. On reddit, those icons are behind a user's name. Here, instead, they are used anywhere. The first ones were imported by the users Blocked IP and BainTheCool. The list of icons currently is this, with flairs from the subreddit but also new ones, for anything, from countries to cities and personal icons.

A couple of users decided to create other language versions of the wiki. Many of these got abandoned just a few days after they were created. The ones that survived long enough to be still alive are the Italian, the Korean and the Polska version. Of these, only the Polska one is active currently.

The same happened from users of the Spanish version of this wiki, who created a wiki in Nahuatl, currently semi-abandoned.

A mapping wiki, The Future of Europes Wiki, nicknamed Mapperdonia, saw this wiki. Some of the users, who were interested in the meme, joined this wiki as well. However, an infamous mapper, Fantastic mapper, started insulting another a user from the TFOE wiki. The drama managed to spill into the Polandball wiki and eventually he started creating many alts and spamming chat. Due to this, and other alt spammers starting to join, Antonio decided to promote Bain and Collisions to chat moderators.

The Hong Konger user Yhynerson1 and the Canadian user Privatejfx141 found a way to simplify templates and get a better Home Page. Italian Mysterious Contributor designed, with the help of their tests, the layout that's still in use now.

Italian Mysterious Contributor, also, translated the old-styled infoboxes to the new layout-made ones, still in use.

Another wiki that was created was the "Polandball Wiki Users Wiki" (aka PWUW). This wiki was created to document events that happened on the wiki and give more information about the users.

The Polandball Wiki "Civil War"[edit source]

In late 2015, an argument between Collisions and Grooox occured, which led to Reagan banning both of them, and other users who caused trouble in the past. The bans were quite short, but people got angry nonetheless. Collisions was exiled to the Elementball wiki were many users joined the chat to talk with him.

In September 2015 Blocked IP found IDrowzee's IP on another wiki and doxxed his city. However, Collisions was erroneously banned for the doxxing instead.

the Mysterious Contributor was also banned for his IP constantly changing due to being an IP user. He finally made an account in late 2015.

All this sparked a large conflict within the community, which resulted in many people getting banned. People started posting more personal info on PWUW and because of this IDrowzee deemed it a wiki for doxxing and would ban anyone who would edit it from further on.

Many users protested, and even VSTF got involved, but it was no use. Everyone was forced to stay and chat on the Elementball Wiki. Later, Antonio12ITA, who was admin, was also made bureaucrat by Siberiaball who returned for a day after being messaged by another user.

Although this may be seen as a dark era of the wiki, many have the most fondest memories from this period of time.


Antonian Era[edit source]

Around December, IDrowzee became inactive and Antonio12ITA declared himself as the new owner.

The first thing he did was promoting Italian Mysterious Contributor to admin and after an election, BainTheCool as well.

During this administrationship, various rule reforms were proposed and rejected by popular vote, with Antonio12ITA de facto keeping the old ones.

Italian Mysterious Contributor started acting more and more rude to other users, which lead to him getting demoted and repromoted several times.

The First Discord Era[edit source]

n late 2016, a group of alt spammers called the Garfield Gang started spamming and overwriting images with NSFW ones on several wikis, including the Polandball Wiki.

Some of the old users, who were not 13 years old, were reported to the Wikia staff who, according to the Terms of Use, permanently banned them. Other users, instead, got involved in a game which involved spamming the n-word and, according to the same Terms of Use, were banned.

Bain also created a Discord server for the wiki just to mess around, but pretty much all of the active users decided to remain there as it was better than wiki chat and a lot easier to moderate. This also lead to the wiki becoming very inactive, with most old users losing interest in the wiki, mostly due to all of interesting pages already being created and tons of annoying new users flooding the forums.

Decline of Inactivity[edit source]

Italian Mysterious Contributor left the wiki in late May 2017, stopping any contribution that fixed the new pages and added images to such. The wiki was slowly becoming more and more unmoderated with the only activity being in the forums.

Post-Reagan Reformations[edit source]

In late July 2017, Reagan, the former owner died due to unknown reasons. There was a one week blackout. After that, the current owner Antonio came to a decision that new staff were to be made. Luki1223 and Collisions were made admins, Crazyball was made moderator, and NESTLEH was promoted to content moderator. Luki1223 was the first to make effort with "Project Editor", in an attempt to encourage editing which did not help much. At the same time, song contests based off of Eurovision were also on the rise. New users began to flock the forums with games and discussions. The chatroom once dead was being populated by new users. New problems emerged such as alt users, nationalistic debates and admin apathy. But with the staff's effort, the wiki is gradually healing from its problems.

The Silver Age[edit source]

During late 2017, most drama has died down, and the entire wiki appeared to be at a peace. There wasn't much that was being done, but there were frequent events to the point where activity isn't a major concern. Meeerko and Avery were promoted during this period of tranquility.

Chocoian Era[edit source]

In early July of 2019, Antonio suddenly announced that he would be stepping down from ownership, and NESTLEH would be the new owner. Following suit, a lot of discussions were made and more changes were pushed than ever before, including a planned mass deletion event. A lot of drama from relatively new users has also arisen. Originally, nobody this was seen as nothing unprecedented, but it did eventually spiral out of control. Collisions and Avery became very active during this period, running the Wikia and the Server together in spite of ChocoMingo's inactivity.

ChocoMingo steps down[edit source]

From the period of September 25th-October 1st of 2020, Collisions and UsualInferno/Melody were made the owners of the Wikia and the Discord Server respectively. Originally this was moved by ChocoMingo's inactivity, but after a lot of drama, ownership was split between the Wikia and the Discord server. At the start of this, things seemed rather shaky and a few relevant users left the community up to this point, but so far things have seemed positive for the Wikia.

Pre-Miraheze Period[edit source]

The Fall of the Wikia Chat and the Forums[edit source]

The fall began in Late 2019 when Fandom decided to bring new changes to their platform, notably the first phase of UCP. When Fandom rolled these updates in, the chat was destroyed and the forums got replaced with the discussions. Once the discord users knew about these updates, they were angered but over time they were forced to adapt and get used to the discussions. This update was the first phase of the fall of Polandball Wiki Fandom.

The Discord Server[edit source]

Meanwhile, Melody, known then as Avery, was taking care of the Discord server, with xem promoting people to the staff, notably Councillor and advisor. More users who joined saw this Discord server as a based and holy second home. Notable people who joined in this period were Rakhine, Livony/Javidiot, Mtcat101, Gunnar Foss, and countless others.

Discord and Admin Reforms[edit source]

It wasn't a perfect era but UsualInferno's/Melody's time with the discord server felt satisfied so xe decided to reform the mods, the councillors, and the advisors. TheGermanicCanadian was set to become owner after Melody retired. LumiNyte13, BlazingBlood and Icantthinkofanamexd were promoted to wiki moderator. IntenCity was promoted to admin. Livony/Javidiot was promoted to councillor. Nash was given mod back. TheRealStuff Mapping Official or Aone was promoted along with Shadow, Ivih, Shiningflair (shiningflair🏵#8387), CarloDaNub, Kosovo is Kosovo, RandomNNE, RakhineEmpire213 (aka Rakhine or RyukyuanMapper), Isabeljolly115 (aka Ranger or Azzy), Enjania, and Lejamie18. The Discord was truly happy but then a big evil from the discussions would bring the worst chaos of all time. On August 15th, 2021, Melody retired as the owner of the Polandball Discord Server, considering xer ownership would last for most of 2021, allowing TheGermanicCanadian to become the new owner of the server.

The Fall of the Wikia and Polandball diaspora to Miraheze[edit source]

On August 4, 2021 an incident happened when a user named LogicalGrey from the Polcompball-icon.png Polcompball Wiki mocked multiple people, including the maker of the post TrebleClefz. A thread moderator named CinnoFanno blocked and reported the user. As time went on, the staff of the Battle for Dream Island wiki dove deeper and found disturbing and toxic posts of the Polcompball-icon.png Polcompball Wiki. This user reported this to Fandom causing Fandom staff to investigate Polcompball-icon.png Polcompball Wiki and Polandball Wiki-icon.png Polandball wikis. Once they realized the issue was more widespread than the original report had stated, they decided to close most Polandball-related wikis. Within minutes of the news telling the staff they were closing the wikis, the discussions erupted in outrage. The staff decided to begin archiving and move to Miraheze, disgusted with Fandom's betrayal. The wiki would close on September 7th, 2021 and there was nothing the users could do about it. Meanwhile, other related wikis such as the Countryhumans Wiki, Companyball-icon.png Companyball Wiki, Fanon Wiki, Polandrice, Ideologyballs, and the Polandarrow Wiki would close without a warning. It was the end of a glorious time, 11 years of work all burnt to the ground. The staff are making sure the import goes successfully. If it works, we may fully recover and the wiki would look good as new.

The Coup[edit source]

Game2Winter initially requested the Miraheze wiki, a complete stranger to the community. He started to promote users to Bureaucrat and Admin, most of them weren't admins of the original Polandball Wiki. Game2Winter initially tried to convince the community that he wanted to help them migrate and even gave Collisions and Melody bureaucrat. Once the community had settled to move to Miraheze, Game2Winter suddenly asked when he would be given the "Wiki owner" role on the Discord server. Everyone was baffled at first but he soon made it clear that he wanted to be declared owner of the wiki. Game2Winter claimed that as founder of the wiki, he had special rights on the wiki and could not be removed, making him owner of the wiki. To ensure that no rouge bureaucrat demotes all the other bureaucrats and takes over a wiki, Miraheze prohibits demoting other bureaucrats meaning that to request Game2Winter demoted, Miraheze Stewards would need to get involved. The staff enlisted the help of Agent Isai, a wiki creator on Miraheze Meta who approved this wiki's request, to contact the Stewards as he was familiar with how the process worked and had come down from Miraheze Meta to help with the migration. After the request was made with the Stewards, Agent Isai concocted a plan to circumvent the restriction in ManageWiki which prohibited bureaucrats from demoting others. He was promoted bureaucrat by Collisions and swiftly demoted Game2Winter, thus ending his reign. Game2Winter went on the Stewards' noticeboard to accuse the bureaucrats of taking over but was ultimately unsuccessful and was subsequently banned for attempted takeover. It was revealed during all this that he had previously attempted to stage a similar style takeover on at least 2 other wikis. During his short reign, Game2Winter appointed various new bureaucrats and admins, most of them were demoted once he was banned.

Early Miraheze Era[edit source]

Conflicts with other servers[edit source]

In October 2021, after the notable and longtime user TheRobloxianGuy was banned permanently for undisclosed reasons, it caused an incident on Mtcat101's server where many users, angry at TRG's ban, attacked PBW staff personally using very offensive remarks, especially towards Melody, on Mtcat's server. It lasted for several days and eventually calmed down, however it permanently severed friendships for some users and caused a slow breakaway for some other notable users from the PBW over disagreeing with the moderation on the PBWDS. Mtcat's server became a place to criticize and insult the PBW and PWBDS staff, and the conflict reached a boiling point in February 2022 when Melody declared Mtcat's server to be an anti-staff server and quickly cracked down on it, severing any and all relations the two servers may have once had.

Ballmedia and Abandonment[edit source]

See also: Ballmedia-icon.png History of Ballmedia

In February, an incident occurred in the Polcompball Forums server where users were found to continuously insult and make malicious remarks towards PBW users and staff members. This came to a boiling point where several users attempted a quickly planned raid on the PBWDS, however, they were quickly stopped when their plans were discovered by the PBWDS staff. Discussion between the two staff teams was made and the conflict ended.

Second August Crisis: The Server Schism[edit source]

The db141 Disaster[edit source]

On 2022, the wiki had misteriuosly vanished from Google. The Vanishing happened due to a disc server error on Miraheze. In the similiar amount of time, it had problems with 203 and 204 errors.

Agentian Era[edit source]

Note: This era of the Polandball Wiki is intertwined with the histories of Miraheze and Polcompball, as you can't mention the second return of Kymi without Polcompball and you can't mention the Agentian Crisis without mentioning some context from Miraheze dramas.

Transfer of Ownership[edit source]

On January 23, 2023, Melody transferred ownership to Agent Isai, one of the stewards of Miraheze. Collisions later transfered his ownership to Agent Isai some minutes later, starting a new era for the Polandball Wiki.

Miraheze instability[edit source]

During June 2023, Miraheze announced it was closing, so Polandball Wiki moved from Miraheze to WikiTide. The pages were imported, but nearly all of the newer files, including the comics and the icons like , were lost. Miraheze ended up not closing, but many Miraheze wikis including Polandball Wiki had already moved. As of August 2023, the wiki was back to normal.

New Promotions[edit source]

The Agentian Era saw large changes within the administration of the Polandball Wiki, Shiningflair was promoted to bureaucrat, and hurstbergn was promoted to administrator. Icantthinkofanamexd and Grim kim were re-appointed as rollbackers.

Longtime moderator Byz-Venetikos was banned in August 2021 for undisclosed reasons.

Divided Polcompball and Kymian Intervention[edit source]

See also: Polcompball-icon.png Polcompball and FPCB-icon.png Free Polcompball

Slow Decline of the Second Server[edit source]

Remerging and Agentian Crisis[edit source]

Following the merging of WikiTide and Miraheze into the WikiTide Foundation, a re-migration back onto Miraheze servers took place. This migration faced less issues then the original migration.

On April 25, 2024, following major drama on Miraheze Meta regarding a possible rebranding of Miraheze to WikiTide, Agent Isai resigned as a steward and had his accounts locked. He also deactivated his Discord account without notice and transfered ownership to his alt. The sudden disappearance of Agent triggered a massive power vacuum, throughout Polandball, Miraheze, other-ball related wikis, and communities that Agent was in. Thus, it was much more serious than August 2022.

Because of radio silence, the ownership of the discord server was left in limbo. Initial attempts of re-establishing contact with Agent were met with no response, leading to the staff assuming that Agent's break would be much longer than anticipated. Shiningflair became the acting wiki owner immediately, who was inactive at that time. Kymi was contacted, and a backup server was set up to plan the transfer of ownership from Agent's alt to Kymi. Shiningflair returned after 1 week and gave Kymi bureaucrat.

Wikis and groups that had Agent were forced to adapt to the sudden departure, and users essentially usurped Agent's previous positions. In the days after Agent's absence, there was an attempt to usurp Ballmedia. Some banned users and groups, who were in affilation with a splinter group of Polcompball, tried to take Ballmedia for themselves. In the end, Kymi foiled the takeover, forced banned users to depart the group, and made an agreement with the subreddit to achieve mutual endorsement.

On May 21, after 26 days, Agent reactivated his Discord and temporarily returned to ownership of the Discord server. However, by that time, he had a significantly lesser influence due to his demotions in other communities. Once he answered a few questions related to his burnout, he disappeared again after Kymi requested ownership. One week later, the staff would vote to migrate to a new server.

Kymiliane Era[edit source]

New Discord Server[edit source]

On June 9, 2024, a new Discord server opened for users, as Agent still held ownership of the old server. This would change on June 12, when Agent’s alternate account transferred full ownership to Shiningflair, marking the end of any involvement Agent Isai has in the community. Agent's account left the old server on June 14, and his account was deleted after two weeks.

GCO-icon.png Global Countryball Organization[edit source]

Global Countryballs Organization, owned by Taxcymus-icon.png Taxcymus, the owner of Polandball Hispana-icon.png Polandball Hispana, and xandores13 was founded in 11 January 2024. It is an symbolic reactivation of the Facebook group focusing on Countryball artists. On August 11, 2024, Hurstbergn-icon.png Hurstbergn signed the GCO Manifesto, making them the official Polandball Wiki representative of GCO.

Reunification With Agreeland[edit source]

After more than 2 years of tension with Agreeland-icon.png Agreeland led by Mtcat101, a diplomat from the Agreeland-icon.png Agreeland Discord Server joined on July 19, 2024 for a peace treaty with the Polandball-icon.png Polandball Wiki. A diplomat was soon sent back to Agreeland-icon.png Agreeland, and on July 22, 2024, the tensions with Agreeland finally came to an end, making several members of the Polandball Wiki community that were banned during the tensions return with open arms.

Cityball Reforms[edit source]

On September 8, 2024, Hurstbergn-icon.png Hurstbergn announced that Cityball population limit would not make sense. Instead, it would be based on notability and quality.

The Staff Team Hiring[edit source]

On November 1, 2024, Kymiliane-icon.png Kymiliane announced that the wiki was looking for staff positions. SubsequentLiang was eventually promoted to admin a day later.

The Short-Lived Revolution of CastleFort1[edit source]

On November 8, 2024, CastleFort1, one of the staff members of the wiki, launched a revolution which overthrew Kymiliane-icon.png Kymiliane and the bureaucrat team during this period. He moved the Discord server back to the old Discord server, and also called out Kymiliane-icon.png Kymi's behavior for being responsible of the Polandball Wiki's downward spiral. Grim kim was also promoted to be an administrator during this period.

The reign of CastleFort1 only lasted for a day, as on November 9, 2024, CastleFort1 returns the ownership rights to Kymiliane-icon.png Kymiliane, and the old Discord server was archived again afterwards.

Final Months[edit source]

On December 14, 2024, Kymiliane-icon.png Kymiliane left the server, leaving the ownership in vacancy. Shiningflair was quickly put as the acting owner of the wiki shortly afterwards, and thus a new era of the wiki has begun.

The Reign of the Triumvirate[edit source]

A while after Shiningflair was promoted as the acting owner, the Polandball Wiki is now under the ownership of Hurstbergn-icon.png Hurstbergn, Shiningflair, and IberianUnionbest.

On January 18, 2025, Kymiliane-icon.png Kymiliane made a sudden return using a different account, and was eventually promoted back to a staff. On February 9, 2025, Kymiliane-icon.png Kymiliane left the server.