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Global Countryball Organization
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From Global Countryball Organization

Polcompball, fully Political Compass Ball or even Ideologyball is a Countryball community that focuses on the political ideologies with major focus on political compass. It originated from PoliticalCompassMemes-icon.png r/PoliticalCompassMemes/ subreddit and Polandball-icon.png Polandball.

History[edit source]

Note: This isn't very completed history. If there is something missing that was important, feel free to contribute into it.

Pre-Polcompball[edit source]

Anarchyball-icon.png Anarchyball was partly an ancestor of Polcompball. It was an first adaptation of ideologies as Countryballs. It was popular between early 2015 to late 2018.

But the first comic with ideologies were created by paczilla1 on DeviantArt-icon.png DeviantArt. It all were uploaded on December 5, 2014. It did an apperance on other sites like funnyjunk.

Another ideologyball comic was created. It was uploaded on r/Anarchism subreddit by u/Voltairinede on December 9, 2014. It seems that Anarcho-Capitalism-icon.png Anarcho-Capitalism got a hair, which may be inspiration for Apoliticism-icon.png Apoliticism design.

In around December 2015, this blog on WordPress-icon.png WordPress has been founded.

The first archived connection between Anarchyball and the Political Compass was this post uploaded on September 18, 2016 on Know Your Meme.

This comic, uploaded on February 19, 2017 (potentially reupload), included some first well-known anarchist design. Edited version, uploaded on April 22, 2017, had some first socialist and communist designs.

On May 22, 2017, comic that included first Social Democracy design has been uploaded.

IncendiaryBullet-icon.png IncendiaryBullet era[edit source]

Subreddit Foundation[edit source]

On November 9, 2019, the Polcompball Subreddit has been founded by IncendiaryBullet-icon.png IncendiaryBullet. It was created because someone suggested that it would be created. That event started the Polcompball existence.

IncendiaryBullet-icon.png IncendiaryBullet promoted StormTigrex-icon.png StormTigrex to the admin on December 3rd, 2019, being the first admin in Polcompball history.

New Icons[edit source]

Original download: link

On November 15, 2019, TheGhostOfInky-icon.png TheGhostOfInky suggested new icons for ideological compass. It was originally with 25x25 because it was suggested to be the best by r/csshelp.

Designs[edit source]

Ideologies collection: link (archived)

StormTigrex-icon.png StormTigrex announced on December 6, 2019 that he will create an Polcompballpedia that would include the designs.

Proposed ideologies (WIP)
Ideology User
Strasserism-icon.png Strasserism u/Exospheric-Pressure
Platformism-icon.png Platformism u/psychicprogrammer
Alt-Right-icon.png Alt-Right/Alt-Center/Dark Enlightenment
Eco-Fascism-icon.png Eco-Fascism
Dirtbag Centrism

TheGhostOfInky-icon.png Inky Era[edit source]

On August 21, 2020, TheGhostOfInky-icon.png TheGhostOfInky was promoted to Sysop by Monkeysszz-icon.png Monkeysszz.

Foundation of Wiki[edit source]

On January 14, 2020, Polcompball Wiki has been formed by TheGhostOfInky-icon.png TheGhostOfInky, K-Tech-icon.png K-Tech and Monkeysszz-icon.png Monkeysszz. The first page was Anarcho-Capitalism-icon.png Anarcho-Capitalism and the second was Anarcho-Communism-icon.png Anarcho-Communism.

Fandom banishment and Miraheze migration[edit source]

the Coup[edit source]

The image of coup.

In early Feburary 2022, IncendiaryBullet-icon.png IncendiaryBullet was the victim of a coup led by SomedudeTM-icon.png SomedudeTM and Monkeysszz-icon.png Monkeysszz. Other members of this coup were BE-icon.png BE, TheGhostOfInky-icon.png TheGhostOfInky, Atzyn-icon.png Atzyn and Founding Froggers-icon.png Founding Froggers. There were also some supporting members like Roxxagon-icon.png Roxxagon, Steelsmasher, Denestaire and An unknown member leaked this plot to IncendiaryBullet-icon.png IncendiaryBullet, who went into shutdown mode. Threatened with the possibility of a permanent ban from reddit, IncendiaryBullet-icon.png IncendiaryBullet deleted his own account. Ownership of the subreddit fell to his alternate account 'americanfreeaboo', which SomedudeTM-icon.png SomedudeTM somehow gained control over. He immediatly lost it, again in unclear circumstances, and IncendiaryBullet-icon.png IncendiaryBullet named Gastro-icon.png Gastro as his successor. Every mod was removed, though StormTigrex-icon.png StormTigrex and BE-icon.png BE were both soon re-added. Meanwhile, Monkeysszz-icon.png Monkeysszz remained owner of the Polcompball Wiki and Discord.

Some time after that StormTigrex-icon.png StormTigrex left the community, though his account remained a moderator.

Buni-icon.png Buni / Aycee Era[edit source]

Anarcho-Distributism-icon.png Polcompball Forums[edit source]

Logo of Polcompball Forums used for the short while

Polcompball Forums was the Polcompball server.

It was created by Rayz-icon.png Rayz on around August 11, 2021 and the goal was reviving the old wikia forums that was abandoned during Miraheze-icon.png Miraheze migration. Rayz wanted to make PCBF official, but there are some problems. At the start it wasn't very moderated, because Rayz-icon.png Rayz forgot to hire some mods. Because of this, Nguyenreich-icon.png Nguyenreich wanted to have mod here. So that's why it haven't been affilated with Polcompball Miraheze anymore.

On around March 16, 2022, Rayz-icon.png Rayz wasn't an owner of PCBF anymore. Owner of the PCBF in this time was the joint account of Jedpilled-icon.png Jedpilled, ItsDanny101 and Bowie.

On around May 20, 2022, there was some controversy around them. They started to hate Polandball-icon.png Polandball, which made Ballmedia (legacy)-icon.png Ballmedia to intervene there.

On around July 10, 2022, Rayz-icon.png Rayz nuked Polcompball Forums and lately it was deleted. Beryist Society-icon.png Beryist Society is the current replacement of the dead PCBF.

There was some revival, but it all failed in October 9, 2022, when Rayz-icon.png Rayz nuked PCBF again, this time for good.

Polcompball Discord Migration[edit source]

If you want to join the archived Polcompball Discord server, link here

On June 1st, 2023, after the Discord warning because of fedposting, the Polcompball Miraheze Discord server was locked and server archived.

Foundation of Polcompball Council[edit source]

FPCB-icon.png Free Polcompball Separation[edit source]

Since the fascists were banned in Polcompball, Borker-icon.png Borker got mad when Nguyenreich-icon.png Nguyenreich banned his friends because of far-right views. So Borker-icon.png Borker on June 28, 2023 decided to create the Revolutionary Council which included Kultokrat-icon.png Kultokrat and others. Since PCBaller World happened in Anarchism-icon.png Polcompball Anarchy, they have to migrate. First they decided to use WikiDot, but they left because of incompatible license (WikiDot is 3.0, Miraheze is on 4.0). So finally they decided to host themself. First on Hostinger, but lately on Hostgator under the current domain.

On September 1, 2024, the wiki got expired and it was no longer available, but Kultokrat-icon.png Kultokrat said that it would came back again, and it happened. Two days later, they revived.

Athena-icon.png Athena von Krab Era[edit source]

Nguyenreich-icon.png Nguyenreich Era[edit source]

Kymiliane-icon.png Kymiliane Era[edit source]

March 2024 PCB Ownership Election[edit source]

When Nguyenreich decided to step down as head owner of PCB, he announced that an election would be held to choose his successor. The election occurred in two rounds on the 16th and 17th of March 2024. While there were many candidates, there were clearly two frontrunners: Kymiliane-icon.png Kymiliane and 2x2Master-icon.png 2x2Master. When the final results came in, Kymiliane-icon.png Kymiliane won by a margin of 59.1% to 2x2's 40.9%. The election was extremely poorly conducted and this caused a great amount of drama and controversy, but ultimately a peaceful transfer of power was made. This was the first and so far only time that a head owner was chosen by election.

Early Kymiliane Period[edit source]

Kymiliane-icon.png Kymiliane soon declared that there would not be any elections in the future, and that the staff votes would no longer be binding. This began a period of personal autocracy where the staff team played an almost entirely advisory role. During this period, several controversial decisions were made including allowing FPCB members to join the server and banning Nguyenreich-icon.png Nguyenreich. This made Kymiliane-icon.png Kymiliane very unpopular and triggered a mass exodus. Most migrated to Femboyreich, where Nguyenreich-icon.png Nguyenreich was mounting an opposition, while others moved to the subreddit discord server or private compass spheres.

PCBvision[edit source]

PCBvision is a song contest which many users may send to the staff. The people may judge them and pick the favourites ones. The winner is picking from the most rated one.

First edition, started in March 24, 2024, was directed by Rayz-icon.png Rayz. The winner song was 3000 by Shirobon, picked by Pirate Tails-icon.png Pirate Tails.

Second edition, started in August 2, 2024, was directed by Pirate Tails-icon.png Pirate Tails, but shortly after it was by Afunhumaniter-icon.png Afunhumaniter, but since he left, there is no one who would host it. It was shortly cancelled, but it finally happened.

Late Kymiliane Period[edit source]

After the publication of the May 2024 edition of the PCB Activity Report revealed that the official Polcompball discord server had fallen to fourth place, Kymiliane-icon.png Kymiliane decided to initiate a dramatic shift in policy to prevent the server from collapsing. This change is now known as 'the great backflip'. She unbanned Nguyenreich-icon.png Nguyenreich and partially reversed her unpopular position on FPCB. Most significantly, she brought in recently promoted Admin *IamSeamonkey-icon.png IAmSeamonkey to host the first ever moderator elections on the 9th of June 2024, which were a sweeping victory for pro-Nguyen candidates. These elections were widely regarded as being much better run than the ownership election and IamSeamonkey-icon.png IAmSeamonkey was made the server's official election organiser. They expelled the most unpopular mods and gave the administration a new sense of legitimacy.

Following this, Nguyenreich-icon.png Nguyenreich was made an owner and the server began to grow again as those that had left after the ownership election returned in droves. over the next months, the staff council became more organised and the rules became more formalised, a process spearheaded by *IamSeamonkey-icon.png IAmSeamonkey and Republicanism-icon.png Democratic Republican Patriot. Kymiliane-icon.png Kymiliane made efforts to step back from autocratic style leadership and allowed the staff council to become more influential.

GCO-icon.png Global Countryball Organization[edit source]

Nguyenreich-icon.png Nguyenreich helped writing the GCO Manifesto. After it's publication, Nguyenreich signed this manifesto.

r/Polcompball reunification[edit source]

r/Polcompball was splited from Wiki due to disagreements. Polcompball Subreddit became more familiar with FPCB-icon.png Free Polcompball, causing Polcompball Wiki to make his version of subreddit.

After r/Polcompball and Polcompball Wiki relations became more friendly, the unification started to begin. They started to unify because of eventual understanding that the wiki and sub can be run separately caused the reunification. On July 30, 2024, they announced that r/Polcompball and Polcompball Wiki are united, and the old server renamed to the bunker and completely disconnected from polcompball. Gastro-icon.png Kevin and SomedudeTM-icon.png Somedude got owner on the official server and Reddit mods also got own positions in Discord server. Many users came back to Polcompball, causing its activity to surge that month.

August Elections[edit source]

On the 16th of July 2024, Nguyenreich-icon.png Nguyenreich pushed for the creation of political parties for moderator elections. He created the first political party, the Party of Social Reorganisation, and over the following weeks several more parties were created, most of which no longer exist.

On the 19th of July, the Polcompball Elections Act came into force. Written by *IamSeamonkey-icon.png IAmSeamonkey, it put into writing all of the rules and regulations around how elections were to be conducted. It was amended multiple times over the next month, with the final amendment coming on August 18, which introduced a procedure for if mods refused to take their position upon being elected.

Over the following weeks, there were weekly opinion polls and a handful of by-elections that allowed people to get used to the party system in preparation for the election at the end of the month. There was unofficial one, done by DualPlay-icon.png DualPlay.

The Election Period officially began on August 19th, with three days for candidate nomination, and seven days for campaigning. Each day the parties debated different subjects of *IamSeamonkey-icon.png IAmSeamonkey's choosing.

On August 20, the Polcompball Institutional Powers and Responsibilities Act came into force. This regulates mod powers.

Elections started on August 30, 2024. Marked users (mostly FPCB-icon.png FPCB users), underage, alt-accounts and less active members did not have voting rights. The elections lasted to the September 1st, 2024.

August 2024 Moderator Election result:

  • Party for Fair Moderation: 25 votes (34.25%) 6 seats
  • Party of Social Reorganisation: 22 votes (30.14%) 5 seats
  • Giganite Party: 11 votes (15.07%) 2 seats
  • Independents: 6 votes (8.22%) 1 seat
  • Gensokyo Alliance: 5 votes (6.85%) 1 seat
  • Renaissance Party: 3 votes (4.11%) 0 seats
  • Patchwork Party: 1 vote (1.37%) 0 seats
  • Total valid votes: 73 (68.87%)
  • Total invalid votes: 33 (31.13%)
  • Total votes: 106
  • Turnout: 10.6% (+2.8)

On September 2, 2024, the a runoff was held between the two independent candidates as they were tied. Preache won by a margin of 60-40, but was caught up in an anti-casualist purge brought about by drama between Kymiliane-icon.png Kymiliane and SomedudeTM-icon.png Somedude. During the election campaign, Nguyenreich-icon.png was caught blackmailing another user to provide intelligence on a suspected plot against him. For this, the owners voted to suspend him from the ownership council for one month (and two weeks) for abuse of power.

Earlier, on the 7th of August, Kymiliane-icon.png Kymiliane asked *IamSeamonkey-icon.png IAmSeamonkey to hold a Referendum on the Party System sometime after the august elections. It was announced to the public on the 13th of August. On the 4th of September, It was announced that the date for the referendum would be to be the 13th of September.

On the 4th of September, Rayz-icon.png Rayz got unbanned.

On September 14th, 2024, IamSeamonkey-icon.png announced referendum which decides whether there should be a party system or not. The referendum was closed on September 16th, 2024 with the major votes for (69.4%).

Voting Transparency Act[edit source]

On October 8th, 2024, IamSeamonkey-icon.png IAmSeamonkey announced that Voting Transparency Act was voted for by staff majority. It assumes that the decisions are made public after being voted on.

Ideology Council Reactivation[edit source]

On October 13th, 2024, Nguyenreich-icon.png Nguyenreich announced the reactivation of Ideology Council. Members of the Council are mostly the same and they started to recrute new staff.

Temporary Wiki Domain Expire[edit source]

On November 2th, 2024, the domain of the Polcompball Wiki had became expired. AgentIsai, the owner of the domain, didn't renew the Domain. The domain costs at least $10000.

On November 5th, the wiki has been restored under the WikiTide domain.

The Coup[edit source]

Beginning[edit source]

Pro-Coup Art

On November 7th, 2024, BE-icon.png BE announced that they're doing the coup because of Kymiliane-icon.png Kymiliane's strict management and demoting mods (for example Athena von Krab-icon.png Athena's Discord server ban without a specific reason (staff vote) and Mizo-icon.png Mizo's demotion). They have founded a new server and wiki feed moved to the coup's server.

As the respond, Kymiliane-icon.png Kymiliane banned some people which advertized this coup, but lately he left Discord. Still, there was an account called red.1917_87217 who owned the server and it is suspected to be an Kymiliane-icon.png Kymiliane's alt account.

On November 8th, 2024, Nguyenreich-icon.png Nguyenreich made an poll about the abdication of Kymi. Most people were for.

Also, Kymi did an statement about the current situation. It announced that Kymi keeps listening to people's voices and announced an update about this case on November 26th.

Kymi Abdication[edit source]

On November 12, 2024, Kymiliane-icon.png Kymiliane ownership in Polcompball has been abolished. The coup, which was planned earlier (three months ago), has finally achieved their goal. Coup was organized by BE-icon.png BE, the Giganite-icon.png Giganite Party owner. There are the reasons why Kymi abdicated.

Ownership firstly was automatically transfered to Cao, then to Founding Froggers-icon.png Founding Froggers, and finally to SomedudeTM-icon.png Somedude.

SomedudeTM-icon.png Somedude / 2x2Master-icon.png 2x2Master Era[edit source]

The Coup[edit source]

After the coup had achieved been successful, and Kymiliane abdicated from owner transferred which had automatically transferred to Cao, the Founding Froggers-icon.png Founding Froggers, it was finally given to Somedude, who became the official owner of the discord.

Constitution[edit source]

On November 24, 2024, IamSeamonkey-icon.png IAmSeamonkey announced the Constitution of Polcompball. Document regulates the organization and Polcompball relationships.

Buni-icon.png 2x2Master-icon.png Athena von Krab-icon.png Polcompball Triarchy[edit source]

2x2Master-icon.png 2x2 resignation[edit source]

On December 5, 2024, 2x2Master-icon.png 2x2 left Discord server, making Buni-icon.png Aycee new owner.

Restructurization[edit source]

From December 31, 2024, staff made reforms on wiki by separating infoboxes from pages, cleaning content from wiki.

PolcompExit[edit source]

On January 3, 2025, Polcompball under Aycee and Athena decided to leave Global Countryballs Organization. It was dictated by the fact that didn't need that and diplomatic conflicts.

Wiki shutdown (again)[edit source]

On January 8, 2025, Polcompball Wiki got shutdown again. It was probably caused by BE-icon.png BE's former coup.

Structure & Organization[edit source]

Political Parties[edit source]

Link to the Official Polcompball Party Register

Political parties on Polcompball were announced on July 22, 2024. Parties are regulated by Polcompball Elections Act.

Colors in the list means for:

  • Red - Great Coallition
Political Parties
Name Leader(s)
Party of Social Reorganization
Giganite Party
  • Quis.contra.nos-icon.png Quis.contra.nos
  • TheAutisticKaiser-icon.png TheAutisticKaiser
  • 2x2Master-icon.png 2x2Master
  • Gamepab-icon.png Gamepab
  • BE-icon.png BE
Gensokyo Alliance
Libertarian Union Party
  • Bruh mate-icon.png bruh_mate
Wayfinders Party
  • Pirate Tails-icon.png Pirate Tails
Party for Fair Moderation
  • MrNonSense-icon.png MrNonSense

References[edit source]