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Mixed Countriballs

From Global Countryball Organization
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Wiki Mixed Countriballs (countryballs with “i” due to a typo when creating the wiki, although it officially stayed that way) was a wiki about Polandball-icon.png polandball in Spanish Language-icon.png Spanish from 2020 to 2021, unrelated to Polandball Hispana-icon.png Polandball Hispana, where users could create invented balls, or create real balls but with alternating stories. It was managed and created by Trotuman311.

History[edit source]

Creation[edit source]

It all started with a user from Spain-icon.png Spain named Trotuman311, who left Polandball Hispana-icon.png Polandball Hispana because he was not allowed to invent countries or use circle tool (although according to him he did not), which made him angry and after his second block, he decided to create Wiki Mixed Countriballs (despite the misspelling in “countryballs” he decided to make that the official name), after a while came “underage” users like Daniel el mexicano xd-icon.png Daniel el mexicano xd and Dante Nicolas MX and began the reform period.

Development[edit source]

Wiki mascot.

In this period the two new admins and the creator reformed the wiki until it became what it was some time ago.

They made their flair, most of the pages, the main page, and in general the whole wiki configuration. There was a time when Soff_690 (“girlfriend” of Trotuman311) made some contribution to the wiki (a countryball of Argentinaball, a bit bad, but wonderful in Trotuman's eyes), but she left him when she started hating him for no apparent reason. According to her it was because he was “annoying”, although it is also said that it was because she was not enthusiastic about the wiki.

During the War against Ron-icon.png Ron, most users of Mixed Countriballs (who already made edits in Polandball Raras-icon.png Polandball Raras) tried to help against Ron, although they also thought of “stopping the war”, an interesting fact is that Dante Nicolas MX adopted Wiki Todo hueball (a Ron-icon.png Ron wiki) and declared it “a colony of Wiki Mixed Countriballs”.

Later, a rule was made in Mixed Countriballs where they deleted “wiki” pages (whether real or made-up, although most were real wikis but with a made-up story), which lowered the number of pages on the wiki.

Wiki Mascot, remastered.

In early 2021, the Conservative Party of Polandbal Raras and Fandom-icon.png Fandom managed to globally ban Daniel el mexicano xd-icon.png Daniel el mexicano xd, Maurox35-icon.png Maurox35 and all other MDDLM users except Davilanda12-icon.png Davilanda12, plus Dante Nicolas MX would also be globally banned by Fandom-icon.png Fandom for a fight he had on Wiki Dddddddddddd, which made Mixed Countriballs isolated, with only Trotuman311 edits.

Final[edit source]

On May 30, 2021 admin Trotuman311 gave admin to a user named Sevilla Mapper, after which Sevilla Mapper deleted all Mixed Countriballs pages as he saw the wiki as a “trashpedia” and warned about the problems of making random people admin. Finally the wiki was closed by Fandom-icon.png Fandom at the end of 2021, as Fandom-icon.png Fandom removed almost all wikis about Polandball-icon.png countryballs for “not complying with their terms”.

Criticism[edit source]

There have been times when Trotuman has proposed to recreate the wiki since its closure, without success. On February 7, 2022, Trotuman311 appeared on Polandball Usuarios, where he said that he believed that in the not too distant future he would create Wiki Mixed-Countriballs II (Yes, with the “i”), the latter was because Fandom-icon.png Fandom deleted his new wikis every day, even though they were not Polandball-icon.png countryballs.

The wiki was criticized because it had many underage users and poor quality images (balls). The appearance of underage users such as Daniel el mexicano xd-icon.png Daniel and Dante also caused the wiki to have poor quality images. Similar to some MDDLM drawings, some Mixed Countriballs images were copypasted in 2021 to Cancerlandia (a page storing poor quality images, then on Polandposting-icon.png Polandposting), among them one referring to a comic competition made in 2021 in Mixed Countriballs, where the conflict against Ron-icon.png Ron is also mentioned. Mixed Countriballs users also copypasted a drawing of the “war against Ron-icon.png Ron” that had been copied for a while, where users added other userballs with bad quality making it more cringe, but Mixed Countriballs added their three users and the wiki ball saying Paren la guerra (Stop the war), this because the wiki proposed “peace” during that conflict.