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The 2023 Anti-Multis Campaign (Spanish: Campaña Anti-Multis de 2023) was a campaign devised by users of Polandball Hispana within its wiki with the intention of unmasking possible multi-accounts, including underage and vandals.
The causes of the campaign were due to the fact that at the end of 2022, despite a positive increase in the number of new users, users suspected of being underage or multi-accounting also began to appear. The campaign started on January 1, 2023, starting with an investigation among the community, and going as far as pressuring Taxcymus to ban editing to users without confirmed mail (including, anonymous). The campaign officially ended on January 31, 2023. The user behind all the multi-accounts was
Deiner Ernet, who was not allowed to continue editing the wiki on
Miraheze due to unconfirmed mail (including his multi-accounts).
Background[edit source]
In mid to late 2022 new users would arrive to Polandball Hispana, some would make good edits and have good relationships, assuming the return of activity to the wiki, but instead, something disturbed it. Many newbies were arriving out of the blue, some with repeated names and being suspected of being multiaccounts. So the belief that there were multi-accounts slowly began to emerge.
Added to this was the appearance of a Mexican user named
Deiner Ernet, who although at first seemed like an ordinary user, drew bad drawings and had bad spelling. In
Polandball Raras, Deiner Ernet had two multi-accounts apart from his main account, and he would tell
Hispanic strange stories about other supposed “users” that Deiner knew.
Deiner had the nickname Nler IV, but later said that Nler IV was actually his “friend” and gave himself that name because of that. Later,
Deiner claimed that Nler had a
Fandom account, but ignored
Hispanic's requests to show it to him and in the end said he was wrong he didn't have one. Later,
Deiner said that a Nler IV that appeared on the wiki was “fake” (being started to be called Nler IV falso), claiming that it was actually a multi-account of an alleged potential vandal named Dan Yev that even “he knew in real life”.
Some of Deiner's “friends” arrived, such as Wentsner El Gringo (Deiner's supposed friend) or An a Rin (Deiner's supposed girlfriend). It should be noted that these users had lousy drawings made with the same program as
Deiner. Unknown users and novices of the same style also began to appear. This caused some users (newbies and newcomers) to be suspected of being multis of the supposed Dan Yev. Alleged multis appeared, an example of this was the appearance of the accounts Penguin gamer695 and Penguin gamer69.
Deiner still had suspicious attitudes because he claimed to be 16 years old, but at that time he was not taken very seriously.
On December 14, 2022, a Deiner multi-account named Mirahexe would appear, which would accuse his other multi-account
Dan Yev on
Polandball Hispana of “being
Ron”. Dan Yev “admitted it” and was blocked for that and for dubbing himself “the king of the multis”. Obviously,
Ron was not present at that.
Development[edit source]
It would all start in Anolaz's discussion, where some newcomer users, known as Investigetor and his supposed brother Dream Walker, both of whom presumably would be Deiner multiaccounts, would start an investigation into the wiki's multis. Anolaz would start investigating on the vandals and their multis, they all made a list of suspects and also wanted to start investigating on the multis to start this year. Other users like
Deiner Ernet gave them the go-ahead for this “project”, starting to increase the number of suspects on the list (Because users were unaware that Deiner was behind all this, Deiner also decided to come out in favor of the anti-multis campaign). Thus, the campaign began on January 1.
Users HispanicJulio, DudemanTheDude,
GaboSovietico, Anolaz, ChileBall And PeruBall and “supposedly”
Deiner Ernet, Investigetor and Dream Walker would join this anti-multis campaign. Meanwhile, on January 5,
Hispanic created a group known as “New Generations of WPH”, an alliance between
Hispanic, Dudeman, Anolaz,
Deiner and Chileball and Peruball, plus a Discord group to investigate vandalism and to teach newbies. Thanks to the investigations, two multi-accounts and some vandal/novice bad edits were detected and reported to
On January 16 Taxcymus, due to
Hispanic's requests, blocks edits to users who did not confirm email, so some accounts stop editing, but it helps considerably to stop multi-accounts. This caused
Deiner and his multi-accounts to be unable to edit. However, the conflict would continue on Wiki Polandball Usuarios, where
Deiner and his multi-accounts were free to do their own thing without being suspected.
On January 24 would appear Nler IV falso (or Dan Yev) in Wiki Polandball Usuarios, asking to make a peace treaty, where he said that if they returned to allow the editions of users without mail on Polandball Hispana and
Polandball Raras, this would confess his multi-accounts and stop vandalizing. This was
Deiner's secret intention so that he could return to editing on the wikis. Although
Taxcymus wrote with a long text the reasons why he would refuse to remove the block on users without mail, Nler ended up confessing his multis.
In the Wiki Polandball Usuarios' article, Deiner uploaded Nler and Dan Yev's banner, raising
Hispanic's suspicions about how he would have information to that content, although
Deiner later excused himself by saying he made them up.
Hispanic did an investigation explaining Deiner's odd misrepresentations and actutides, and denying that Dan Yev was
Ron, although his investigation had some errors such as assuring that
Deiner, Nler IV and Dan Yev were three different people, when they were all multis of
Deiner Ernent misinterpreted
Hispanic's words by claiming that he was not a vandal, although Hispanic never claimed that
Deiner was, but that
Deiner would have contacts with vandals. Some users thought that a conflict could break out between
Deiner Ernent and other anti-vandal users such as
Hispanic and DudemanTheDude.
On January 31, the last day of the month, Hispanic announced that the conflict was ending, although investigations into
Deiner would continue.
Epilogue[edit source]
After the final events of the campaign produced by users of Polandball Hispana with the goal of ending vandals and multi-accounts, a dispute started between users
HispanicJulio and
Deiner Ernet, although the latter was no longer allowed to edit on
Polandball Hispana due to no email confirmation.
Hispanic blamed
Deiner for knowing so much about the vandals Nler IV and Dan Yev and also for saying “strange things” and manipulating facts. On the other hand,
Deiner has expressed his discomfort with
Hispanic, assuring that he is not a vandal and
Deiner himself added “You hate me and I know it but I think you are a good user (towards Hispanic)”.
Although Deiner assured that there would not be a conflict between him and
Hispanic because
Deiner said he himself was going to retire, in the end an account called “Mixer List” appeared on Wiki Polandball Alternativa, which, posing as a
Miraheze staff, asked for anonymous/no email users to be able to edit (which was
Deiner's weak point), so it has been taken by multi of
Deiner by different users and blocked, Mixer List also added that “there is an ongoing campaign for anonymous to be free to edit”, which
Hispanic denied.
Although in the eyes of Taxcymus and Victor the
Deiner issue had been concluded,
Hispanic continued to play the issue even on Discord, and although in the eyes of the Discord community the total blocking of Deiner was the definitive end of the issue,
Hispanic continued to use
Deiner as a new reference point for new age vandalism. To put an end to this,
Taxcymus passed a lawsuit to Deiner for the community to vote for his total block and final ban. The users voted to block him and this formally ended the issue. On the future independent wiki
Deiner returned with multis like Tacoball, but was blocked again.
Conclusions[edit source]
Apparently, Deiner wanted to cause a “war”, coming out “victorious” having succeeded, but we leave it to the reader to think about whether this can be considered a war or a victory.
Deiner also studied in Wiki Polandball Usuarios the behavior of users such as
Ron, Lord Trollencio and the Señor de las Multis.
Deiner was the first user to be considered a “panachangue” (panachango) by the generation of the time, and it could be said that
Deiner's strategy of mixing one's mental immaturity, with multi-accounts posing as others and misrepresenting things, would become very popular thereafter among future vandals. From then on,
Deiner would occasionally come back with a multi-account, but he would still be discovered and blocked.
The anti-multis campaign unified the generation of the moment in Polandball Hispana. The fact that
Deiner used Wiki Polandball Usuarios as a source of inspiration to generate inappropriate attitudes such as vandalism and multi-accounts gave Wiki Polandball Usuarios a bad name until its closure to the public in 2023.