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Hi! My Name is Renato T.C./Renatinho I'm a mod from Spanish PBW, and an admin from Wiki Polandball Raras (Spanish Companyball Wiki) and GCO.

I'm From Ancash, Peru and I speak Spanish and English (i'm learning russian and portuguese)

I like videogames, chatting in discord and more things.

Alt names[editar código]

  • Renato
  • Renato The Crack
  • Renato The Crack Oficial
  • Renato T.C.
  • Renatinho
  • Ренатиньё
  • 雷纳蒂尼奥
  • レナチーニョ
  • Renachīnyo
  • 某秘鲁用户

History[editar código]

If you wanna see my history, see User:RENATO THE CRACK OFICIAL/History