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Russian Polandball or officially Polandball вики is an Russian-speaking Polandball community. It was longly under the Russian Shararam Wiki influence.
On November 24, 2014, Dwighty created the Russian Polandball Wiki. That same day, Enetrel SP, the founder of Shararam Wiki, held a vote to make the Polandball Wiki a colony of the
Shararam Wiki, which is what eventually happened.
In its early days, Polandball Wiki was a quiet and fairly small Shararam Wiki colony, edited mostly by the Periphery members themselves. However, by 2016, the wiki had formed its own core of editors, who soon began to lean heavily toward the idea of breaking ties with the wiki metropolis.
On July 22, 2016, Tygnak and the rest of the February Three revolution declare independence and Tygnak blocks all Shararam Wiki users. However, Dwighty then blocked all the rioters, after which they were forced to apologize to Enetrel SP. Tygnak and Maksvin Ptich's statuses were removed.
Road to the Independence
After the first uprising, a temporary lull began. It lasted for quite a long time — until 2018. This time was diluted with quiet grumbling about independence and riots, which were staged from time to time by revolutionaries and those who supported them. This lasted until June.
With the onset of summer came a time of serious unrest. The Shararam Wiki administrators were pestered by revolutionaries demanding independence.
Shararam Wiki users carried out reprisals against PBB-ers in response.
Free Polandball and Perestroika
The Independence Revolution started on May and the goal was being independent from Shararam Wiki. Revolution was lead by Voldemera, YarigHood and Caser. After the referendum to remove Leo the Turtle, they managed to liberate the Polandball Wiki and gain independence.
In honor of the independence of Voldemer, the new administrator of the Russian Polandball Wiki held a meeting (the so-called first meeting of the FreePBB), where they discussed further actions and problems of the wiki.
At the meeting it was decided to begin Perestroika. This topic was discussed in more detail during the second meeting. It was decided:
"From this moment on, Perestroika is launched on Russian Polandball Wiki ; all talented Russian Polandball Wiki users are to urgently begin editing unfinished articles; any new articles published during Perestroika will be deleted."
Despite Leo the Turtle's claims that the project was ineffective, the majority of people at the meeting voted for.
Over time, the recently taken over by Voldemera Rebellion, Russian Polandball Wiki began to look more and more like a dictatorship. Shortly after the beginning of Perestroika, the Kyarigov Law came into force, according to which the "elite" of the
Shararam Wiki was blocked. After that, the
Five Nights at Freddy's Wiki opposed that action.
Abolishment of Voldemera
Peter the Great Wiki (current ImperatorBomb) held a referendum to remove member Voldemera due to his inadequacy in his post. It ended with a majority in favor of overthrow. Free elections for the wiki administrator were held, as a result of which, after a minimal margin, Sirenika (current Rairakkumee) was appointed to this position, which leads up to today.
On July 18, 2018, the Voldemerian era has ended.
Rairakkumeean Era
After Rairakkume has become an bureaucrat, he announced the end of the conflict. This ended the conflict between Polandball Wiki and Shararam Wiki with
Five Nights at Freddy's Wiki. It was announced that they would develop their own Criminal Code, democratize it, and hold a people's trial of the headquarters staff members who continued to oppose the new government. Two days later, the initial Criminal Code was completed, and it is still being updated to this day. Another day later, the People's Court began, which resulted in a year-long blocking of the main staff members - Karych, Rosenfeld and Voldemera, which, however, was partially lifted a few months later.
At the end of July and the beginning of August, the first competition was launched, in the form of a thematic week dedicated to the countries of Central Europe. It was quite productive, many articles were brought to a good state, and the winner was Renat546. Later, the wiki began to host competitions of various types and colorings, which later became a typical manifestation of the project's activity.
In August, the conflict with Yarig reached its peak; he was unhappy that Rairakkume had deceived him and deprived him of the right to the admin panel. A vote was held, asking the main question: does the project need a second administrator in the person of Yarig or not? The votes were tied, but later Yarig himself renounced his administrative rights and stated that he was no longer interested in contributing, but his request to invalidate the vote was not granted, so legally he did not receive the status of a tie-breaker, which, looking at the number of "no" voters today, makes one seriously doubt the fairness of the decision.
After a series of subsequent competitions, Rairakkumee finally received the status of a bureaucrat and began voting on administrators. The candidates were Leo (aka Scott) and Renat. Since the voting included an option to appoint both, it was supported by many users, and the project got two new admins. Renat had formed a whole post-election program, which has now been fully implemented, with the exception of the point about articles, which was actively implemented at the end of April 2019. Speaking on this topic, Renat wrote a short reflection on this wiki namespace on October 5th. Much of this became the basis for the future change of the Criminal Code and the beginning of the planning of the article reform.
On November 5, a large-scale vandalism attack was carried out by the staff members in protest against Rairakkume, during which many articles were leaked to the participants' blogs. In response to this, the administration tightened the rules, in particular, raised the voting qualification. On the other hand, in the same month, an amnesty of revolutionaries and the return of all civil rights to them, except for statuses, took place, initiated by the Headquarters of the Revolution. Vold liked it the most. The wiki also got a (former) Discussion Moderator and Content Moderator.
At the end of November, Russian Polandball Wiki finally breaks ties with
Shararam Wiki, and together with Luntik Wiki, Losyash Library and
FNaF Wiki forms ANV — the Alliance of Independent Wikiprojects, aiming at subsequent consolidation and various assistance to other wikis, which is criticized by the Headquarters of the Revolution including pointing out the impossibility of the coexistence of “independence” and “consolidation”, but he himself often spoke about the creation of such an organization, with elected bureaucrats and Marxist ideals. During this period, Vold was active with his theory of "conservative revolution", which called for the cultural isolation of
Russian Polandball Wiki from other communities. A trade union of editors is formed in
Russian Polandball Wiki. In the last months of autumn and winter, Renat becomes the main broadcast administrator at PBB.
In January, changes are made to the staff, Renat receives the status of administrator, andand also becomes fully responsible for the community, its actions, voting and elections.Also, a topic is being created on the wiki that will report on changes to the Criminal Code and a topic with appeals to the administrators, which will finally prohibit independent voting.
Characterizing the entire modern period, it seems the most perfect in the history of PBB as a wiki project, but not as a community divided into those who dream of filming Rairakkume with Renat and those who are against it. After a series of subsequent competitions, Rairakkume finally received the status of a bureaucrat and began voting on administrators. The candidates were Leo (aka Scott) and Renat. Wiki received an updated and finally relatively stable admin staff in the persons of Rairakkume and Renat, who, however, are often criticized by the Headquarters due to the practice of frequent bans against them, lustrations, which were replaced by medium-term bans (1-2 weeks, most of those re-blocked were simply deprived of the opportunity to write in the chat) under the agreement with Kuzura, as well as pressure on the project participants loyal to the Headquarters.
On the other hand, the new administration took steps that were supported by all userball groups: the overall design, title, and logo were reworked; Rairakkume's work had a very positive effect on the project's appearance. Thanks to the contests, it was possible to supplement articles relatively effectively, dozens of articles on the project were rewritten, but at the same time, a rather controversial step was taken to remove about 400 shortcomings, due to which the wiki's volume was reduced by almost half. The planned article reform also dragged on for a long time: for example, the second stage, which was planned to be the shortest, turned out to be longer than the first (more than a month passed between the announcements of the start of the stages), although even before the article reform, Mapmaker Lich, a participant, attempted to create a guide on writing articles through the Mylo Velikoye doll account, but the guide was leaked to the blog.
These changes were largely achieved thanks to Renat, who personally supplemented a bunch of articles, participated in competitions, and wrote the rules for voting and referendums.
On August 24, 2021, Renat resigned as moderator.
On September 17th, 2021. Kuzura declared the "Countryballs" content illegal, which put the life of the project in danger. The administration decided to move all content of the project to Miraheze, where it exists there to this day.