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Hispanic Union Charter

From Global Countryball Organization
Other languages:

Ballmedia Chronicles

Hispanics, by virtue of the agreements proposed by Ballmedia Charter, agree to be part of said organization as long as the following points are respected.

Representation[edit source]

  • Article 1. The 5 wikis that will be part of Ballmedia will be the following: WIKI POLANDBALL HISPANA, POLANDBALL RARAS WIKI, NATIOSPHERAE WIKI, TEAMBALLS WIKI AND COUNTRYHUMANS WIKI. Member wikis will be known as the "Hispanic Union."
  • Article 2. The 5 wikis will have their corresponding representative (s).
    • Article 2.1. Given that there are wikis of small size or still under construction with administrations dependent on WPH, their voting rights can be transferred to another Hispanic representative, whether or not they are part of the wiki due, under the sole condition that they be someone you trust. by the administration.
  • Article 3. The Hispanic representatives are jointly appointed by the 5 wikis.

Security[edit source]

  • Article 4. We agree to give moderation permissions in the 5 wikis to a maximum of 2 users designated by Ballmedia to comply with the Security agreements, under the following criteria:
    • Article 4.1. They will be known as patrols on our wikis.
    • Article 4.2. The moderation permissions granted exclusively to these users will have these tools: BLOCK, MOVE OR DELETE ARTICLES AND IMAGES AND BLOCK USER.
    • Article 4.3. Every 6 months if applicable, the patrols will change, thus allowing the flow of different Ballmedia members.
    • Article 4.4. The patrols will not be part of our administrations, therefore, they will not have the right to suggest or vote on our administrative proposals; they will also not have access to administrative channels or extra permissions on our Discord server (s). They will not have any special conditions or treatment for their services beyond the permits granted.
    • Article 4.5. The patrols will not function as moderators of the wiki, they will only use their permissions for these reasons: AGREEMENTS REACHED BY BALLMEDIA PREVIOUSLY NOTIFIED TO THE HISPANIC COMMUNITY AND EXTREME VANDALISM IN THE ABSENCE OF ADMINISTRATORS.
    • Article 4.6. All blockades (due to vandalism or ballmedia decision) towards users made by the patrols must be notified to the corresponding administration.
    • Article No. 4.7. a user will be allowed to be blocked if they violated any rule in another balls wiki and if ballmedia has not determined any request in this regard. It will be considered abuse of power.
    • Article 5. It will not be allowed to block a user if he violated any local rule of the proper Hispanic wiki. You must report it to the corresponding administration.

Sovereignty[edit source]

  • Article 6. Hispanic wikis do not want verse involved in matters that do not correspond to Hispanic wikis, therefore, we refrain from participating in any event that puts our sovereignty as a community at risk. This can include:**Article 6.1. Block users who have been blocked in other balls wikis if it has not been agreed jointly between the members of Ballmedia.
    • Article 6.2. Unblock users have been blocked on our wikis only because they participate in other balls wikis.
    • Article 6.3. Grant permissions to unknown users; that can include administrators, moderators, etc. from other ball wikis.
    • Article 6.4. Change our rules or editing formats to assimilate to another wiki.
  • Article 7. We request the support of ballmedia to have ambassadors on all balls wikis servers affiliated with ballmedia. We are committed to accepting ambassadors and recognizing their status on our server.

Hispanic Alliance[edit source]

  • Article 8. Other wikis in Spanish may adhere to this agreement. If they accept their adhesion, they will comply with the agreement.
  • Article 9. A wiki of any other language can follow our articles if it so wishes, and request to apply as part of the current one unofficially.
  • Article 10. If this agreement is broken by either party, both have the right to protest and reach a solution.

Changes to the agreement[edit source]

  • Article 11. The agreement can only be changed if all 5 wikis agree to change it. In the event that these 4 wikis: POLANDBALL RARAS WIKI, NATIOSPHERAE WIKI, TEAMBALLS WIKI AND COUNTRYHUMANS WIKI do not have administrators at the moment (inactivity, dismissal or a force majeure event), it will be the bureaucrat at Wiki Polandball Hispana who decides for them. In the absence of the leaders of the 5 wikis, the agreement will remain stand-by until an administration is reorganized in any of the 5 wikis.
  • Article 12. This agreement is only effective on wikis hosted on Miraheze, therefore, social networks including Facebook, Discord or other social networks under our jurisdiction remain autonomous and independent entities, except in article 7.